Enjoy 1 dozen farm fresh eggs every week for 1 month (4 weeks), 3 months (12 weeks), 6 months (25 weeks) or 1 year (52 weeks). If you would like to enjoy two dozen eggs every week, increase your quantity to 2 after selecting your duration, if you would like to enjoy three dozen every week, increase it to 3 and so on.
Our flock is made up of 25+ breeds of heritage chickens – our breeds range from Barred Plymouth Rock to Buff-Laced Polish to Barnevelders to Ameraucanas to many, many more – which means that you may find brown, cream, white, pink, freckled, green, or blue eggs in your dozen. You will also find that the shape and sizes of the eggs vary from egg to egg, though no eggs will be smaller than a medium and most are large, with some extra large, hens willing.
Our hens enjoy a mixed diet of grains, fermented grains, broccoli, cabbages, pumpkins, sunflower seeds, and every other kind of vegetable we grow on the farm.
You can either pick-up from the farm (56311 Lily Lake Rd, Sturgeon County) on Thursdays between 10:00am-12:00pm, or on Sundays from 1:00-4:00pm, OR in Edmonton at The Butchery (12229 107 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5M 1Z1) on Thursdays from 3:30-5:30pm, or by appointment at the farm for another day/time. Please email for options.
Thank you for supporting a local farm and helping us preserve and protect these beautiful heritage breeds!
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