CSA with Carrie: Potato salad, Pico de gallo and Roasted pork and fennel

This week, we walked off the farm with Fennel, Basil, Cilantro, Peas, Baby White Potatoes, Saskatoons and Golden Raspberries, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Heritage Tomatoes and Zucchini. Quite a selection! This week was quite busy with birthday parties, play dates and going out to fill in some of that boredom summer time for the kids. As a result, I didn’t cook …

Let the fields be with you

Farmer Tam’s Field Report July 30, 2017 The fields are popping – finally. After what felt like a long, crazy wet spring – making it a challenge to plant followed by a too hot and dry start to summer. The fields finally say abundance! Strawberries are still going strong after a much needed one-day rain and soak. We sampled the …

CSA with Carrie: Arugula pizza, kale chips and lemony dill

This week’s pick up included: cut-leaf arugula, baby kale, spring onions, dill, sugar snap peas, Norland baby red potatoes and a snack basket of strawberries. There are some things in the weekly CSA basket that you use quickly because you know exactly what to do with them – and then there are new foods that might stump you for a …

Strawberries Galore!

Carrie’s CSA strawberry muffins & jam I was floored when I was handed our family share of strawberries a couple Sundays ago! Whoo-hoo! Jam time! I didn’t make jam that afternoon because I wasn’t prepared – I ended up making a batch on Monday. Cooked strawberry jam Berries were washed, halved and hulled. You definitely do not want the little core …

Carrie’s CSA adventures with Amaranth and Wheat berries

July 2nd’s CSA basket from Prairie Gardens contained: Amaranth Red Root Bunch, Lambsquarters (Fat Hen), Rhubarb, Edible Flowers, Oregano, Tea Mix (Pineapple Mint, Sage, Stevia), Oxalis, Multiplier Onions and Wheat Berries. This week I had success in creating something new for the family and I also had some hiccups. Let’s start with the items that didn’t go as planned. Transplanting …

Carrie’s CSA blog: Sorrel and Rhubarb in June

The last pick-up included: French Sorrel, Chives, Lambsquarters (Fat Hen), Rhubarb, Red-Veined Sorrel, and a 4-pack of Marigolds. This pick-up was a good practice run for our new CSA members, just to get the feel of how the basic process will work for all the pick-ups, here on out. It’s so much fun! The rhubarb didn’t last long in our house. …

Welcome to Prairie Gardens CSA blog!

My name is Carrie and I will be writing about my experiences and adventures with the CSA program. This is my second year to be apart of the program. During last year’s run, I started a blog called A Spoonful of Local because I was having so much fun with the baskets and I wanted to share those experiences. (Last …

17 backyard fruits – Sweet, fresh and very, very local

Even with a short season, Alberta gardeners grow apples, goji berries (pictured above), stone fruit, even grapes in their backyards. Here are just some of the fruit varieties available at the Prairie Gardens greenhouse right now. Apples We grow great apples that are hardy enough for the prairies. Red Sparkle, Winter Cheeks, Goodland, September Ruby and Kerr are all productive …

Aw – Snap! It’s Winter.

CBC radio announcer’s voice drifts through my thoughts… “The cold snap continues – with no relief in sight!” A cruel high blew in from the north, bringing with it a bone chilling -32 C wind. The snow from last night and this morning isn’t going to be enough to keep the kale alive, I worry. So I’m still out harvesting, …

Winter Pumpkins

Your Guide to Winter Squash

Winter Squash: More than just a pretty face Pumpkins may get all the glory at Halloween, but there are many other versatile, vividly colored, flavorful, and nutrient-packed varieties to brighten up fall and winter meals. Sweeter, denser, and more firm in texture than summer squash or zucchini, winter squash take well to a wide spectrum of seasonings and can be …