Fall GUIDED School Field Trips

Mondays - Thursdays, plus select Fridays available
Book This Experience
Dear Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-3 Teachers: We have some wonderful options for field trips at our farm! 

A) Combined All Day Tour 2.5 hour program + 1/2 hour break for lunch. Tour cost: $20.00/person + GST

    • This tour combines C) Pumpkins, Scarecrows & Fall in the Country Program with D) Gem Mine Expedition. Includes two take-homes.

B) All Day Junior Farmer & Potato Program 3 hour program +1/2 hour break for lunch. Tour cost: $25.00/person + GST

    • To cultivate curiosity and wonder, we engage children’s exploration in our huge 25-acre market garden, fostering joyful relationships between the land, food, children, and their immediate world. We immerse students farm life. Plus, children will go on an earthwalk through the forest and enjoy a bird's eye view of the fields during their wagon ride.
    • Children will experience the potato harvest with 4 L pail of potatoes take home for their family table! Also includes a pumpkin take home.
    • This program also includes a visit to the Petting Farm, Scarecrow Making, Garden Taste Test, Pumpkin Patches, Mazes and (optional) Haunted House & Ghost Town of Boo'n Accord
    • Note:  Bussing required from main farm to potato field - please keep your school bus onsite for transit. Walking is not permitted between main farm and the potato field.

C) Pumpkins, Scarecrows & Fall in the Country Program 1.5 hour Tour Cost: $16.00/person + GST

    • The children will visit the pumpkins, solve a maze, pet the goats, sheep and bunnies at the petting farm, be amazed in ‘Pumpkin Land’, team-build real life-size scarecrows with straw, and if they are brave, enjoy the (optional) spook-tacular Haunted House, Ghost Town, Sunflower Maze, and Farm Game Corn-i-val Play areas.
    • Includes Train Ride around the farm, Puppet Show & Cookie Snack, and a Mini Pumpkin to take home.

D) Gem Mine Expedition, Maze, and Petting Farm with Train Ride. Cost $16.00/person + GST

    • Children will learn about rocks, minerals, and/or fossils with buckets of ore. The kids will be delighted to find gems in their sieves at the sluice as the water washes away the sand. Note: Water sluice does not operate when ice forms; however, our Dry Gulch Gem Mining can run instead.
    • Includes Train Ride, Puppet Show & Cookie Snack, Petting Farm, Mazes and (optional) spook-tacular Haunted House, Ghost Town, and Farm Game Corn-i-val Play areas.

A typical field trip begins on the bus with a welcome and program introduction. Please ensure children and volunteers are dressed appropriately for fall weather! Winter boots, scarves, hats, mittens, and warm jackets are best if it is cold. As this is a rural working farm, please prepare children for the ‘outhouse’ experience. 

For older groups (grades 4-12), please contact us - we can customise programs so that they are age-appropriate. 780-921-2272

Each program offer at least one experience (though sometimes multiple) that includes a take-home for each child. These take-homes can extend the learning experience back into the classroom as touchstones to the farm!

LOST LEMON GEM MINE - Learn About Rocks & Minerals while Gem Mining
Children are provided with buckets of "paydirt" ore to take to the sluice to pan for real gems to take home. The kids will be delighted to find gems in their sieves as the water washes away the sand. This is followed by a gem and mineral investigation and discussion. Temperature sensitive – water sluice does not operate below freezing.

Gem Mining is included in our Combined All Day and Gem Mine Expedition programs. Optional: can be added onto any program - adds 15min to total tour time.

TAKE HOME:  Each student will take home one of the following items depending on your program:

  • Combined All Day. A) Mini Pumpkin & Gems
  • All Day Junior Farmer & Potato Program. B) 4L pail of U-Dig potatoes & Mini Pumpkin
  • Pumpkins, Scarecrows & Fall in the Country. C) Mini Pumpkin
  • Gem Mine Expedition. D) Gems

Extra pumpkins for parents & siblings cost $3.00 each.

BYO Lunch to eat at a Private Outdoor Picnic Area -- $50.00+GST. We offer a private INDOOR lunch seating area for $75.00+GST. (Optional) Lunch Options:
  •  BBQ all beef hot dog, drink & chips for $7
  •  Roasted Dilly Garlic Potatoes - Our famous dill & garlic roasted farm potatoes; sour cream on side $7
  •  Pumpkin Pie, Popsicles, and Little Bear Gelato cups are available ($5).
  • Lunch areas (outside or indoors) must be booked when placing a lunch order (i.e. BBQ Hot Dog Lunch). All lunch orders must be pre-booked & pre-paid. Refunds given with one-week​ cancellation notice.
  •  Please note: there are NO water fountains/re-fill stations on the farm. Make sure to bring enough water and refreshments to last the entirety of your trip. Please do not bring hot lunches as there are no microwaves available. 


  • The children will get ‘lost’ in a maze
  • Pet the farm goats, sheep, and bunnies while visiting the petting farm
  • Learn about pumpkins, and see pumpkins in our indoor ‘Pumpkin Land’ or outdoor Pumpkin Patch
  • Team-build real life-size scarecrows with straw
  • If they are brave, go through the (optional) spooktacular Haunted Pumpkin Festival attractions – including the Haunted House, Cemetery, and 'Boon' Accord

Children will love the Puppet Show - where lasting relationships grow with the help of Prairie Gardens’ characters! All are invited to enjoy a Halloween Cookie. Please advise children to bring a beverage. The children will have this time to enjoy their cookies while sitting on straw bale seats.

A Train or Wagon Ride is included in every tour, which is definitely one of the farm favourites! Children will be able to see and learn about the different crops grown on the farm, including such crops as pumpkins, apples, plums, apricots, raspberries, zucchini, cucumbers, garlic and more!


  • We are open rain, snow or shine and will do as many outdoor activities as the weather will allow. We have indoor spaces to hold an alternate program including the petting farm, pumpkin greenhouse, & scarecrow-making.
  • Please plan to arrive for your tour - if alternate arrangements need to be made please call us at 780-921-2272 or send us an email to reserve@prairiegardens.org as soon as possible. There is a $300 no-show, no notice cancellation fee, if notice is not provided.

BOO”-TIQUE SHOPPING: Visit our farm shop for pumpkins galore, tricks or treats, ice cream, and Halloween fun.

Looking for SELF-GUIDED field trips on Fridays? Click here!

Attention - Small Groups
There is a minimum booking fee of $300 for GUIDED tours, if the number of children attending results in a total that would otherwise be less than $300. There is no minimum for Self-Guided tours.

Book Your Fieldtrip Today!