Ornamental Trees, Shrubs & VinesScroll down to see everything that's available or shop by category!What's my hardiness zone?Click here to find out what will thrive in your area!Farm Pick-Up, Shipping & DeliveryFind out how it all works!Ornamental TreesOrnamental ShrubsOrnamental VinesEvergreensLooking for something we don't have listed?We love tracking down unusual varieties and are happy to bring in custom-order trees & shrubs for you!Ornamental TreesCrystal Blue SpruceWeeping LarchInferno® Sugar MapleAmerican ElmIceberg Alley™ Sageleaf WillowWalker Caragana Tree-FormFrench Pink Pussy WillowColumnar Blue SpruceYoung’s Weeping BirchShooting Star™ Northern Pin OakDakota Pinnacle BirchAdmiration Hybrid OakBlack WalnutNiobe Weeping WillowButternutMuckle PlumGolden WillowPrairie Cascade Weeping WillowSignature™ Japanese Tree LilacSnowdance™ Japanese Tree LilacView All Ornamental TreesOrnamental ShrubsPrimrose Yellow LilacCanadian Shield RoseEmily Carr RoseCrystal Blue SpruceInferno® Sugar MapleGumball Goody™ RoseVanilla Strawberry™ Hydrangea Tree-FormYukon Sun RoseIncrediball® HydrangeaThree-Lobed SpireaPocahontas LilacLittle Giant Globe CedarMorden Sunrise RoseMorden Belle RoseWinnipeg Parks RoseRamblin’ Red RoseJohn Davis RoseJohn Cabot RoseBird’s Nest SpruceVanilla Strawberry™ HydrangeaView All Ornamental ShrubsOrnamental VinesDropmore Scarlet HoneysuckleMulti Blue ClematisJackmanii Superba ClematisJackmanii ClematisBlue Moon WisteriaEngelman IvyVirginia CreeperNelly Moser ClematisBlue Bird ClematisDutchman’s PipeView All Ornamental VinesOrnamental PerennialsCaradonna SalviaGrand Marshall™ Bee BalmFire and Ice HostaFirst Frost HostaChampion Pink BellflowerLittle Gold-Star Black-Eyed SusanTiger Babies Tiger LilySum & Substance HostaBlue Buccaneers DelphiniumCobalt Dreams DelphiniumDelphinium Red LarkRapido Blue BellflowerKarl Foerster’s Feather Reed GrassChater’s Peaches ‘n’ Dreams HollyhockWoolly ThymeDouble Fernleaf PeonySagebrush ArtemisiaMother of ThymeCoral Charm PeonyCreeping Red ThymeView All Ornamental PerennialsSend us your request today! Name* First Last Phone*Email* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Province Postal Code If you would like a shipping quote, please use your mailing address (i.e. PO Box, etc.). We mail orders via Canada Post. Message*Please list the orchard packages, trees, shrubs or perennials that you would like to order! Include quantity, preferred size, and variety if possible/known. For example: 1 x Norkent Apple, 5 x Haskap (mixed variety, as large as possible), 2 x flowering crabapples (as small as possible, pink blossom), 1 x Bluebird Clematis, etc.CAPTCHA 23305