The Nursery

Prices & Availability

  • Prices listed and availability are subject to change without notice.
  • We do our best to keep our website inventory up-to-date; however, there may be a lag between onsite sales and online inventory. Please call 780-921-2272 to confirm stock in advance of your visit.
  • There may be a different selection of varieties and pot sizes (with differing prices) onsite than what is represented online.

Tree Workshops

Visit the farm and learn about how to properly grow and take care of your fruit trees. If you're planning an orchard or just choosing the perfect spots for your trees to be planted, we can help you choose location and plan your layout.

As they say, "where there is no gardener, there is no garden" - the same applies to trees, fruiting and ornamental. Learn about planting technique, watering dos and don'ts, best fertilizers to use and more!

Beginner's Guide to Orchards
Learn from one of our orchard guides as they unveil the inner-workings of our orchards and answer your burning questions about pruning, variety selection, pollination partners, and more!
Learn More

Send us your order wish list today!

  • If you would like a shipping quote, please use your mailing address (i.e. PO Box, etc.). We mail orders via Canada Post.
  • Please list the orchard packages, trees, shrubs or perennials that you would like to order! Include quantity, preferred size, and variety if possible/known. For example: 1 x Norkent Apple, 5 x Haskap (mixed variety, as large as possible), 2 x flowering crabapples (as small as possible, pink blossom), 1 x Bluebird Clematis, etc.