Garden Centre
Hours & Promos
The Garden Center opens May 1st, 2021 to walk-ins.
Hours: 10:30am-6pm daily (walk-ins welcome!)
To pre-order, please either call 780.921.2272 or email tam@prairiegardens.org to place an order.
Summer Landscape Promo
June 30th - July 6th
Orders are expected to arrive by July 15th, 2021 to view the full list of trees, shrubs, and perennials! To order, please call 780-909-6601 or email info@prairiegardens.org.
Click here to view the list of trees, shrubs, and perennials available!
If you would prefer an excel spreadsheet, we are more than happy to send you one via email (info@prairiegardens.org)!
Garden Center Hours
Open 7 Days a Week 10:30am - 6pm
Walk-ins: Monday-Sunday, 10:30am - 6pm
Curbside Pick-up : By appointment
Garden Guru Appointment - Garden Plant Shopping with an Expert to help you plan!
About Our Garden Center
With over 37 years of experience in the Gardening business, we know what grows here!
Beginner gardening tips, gorgeous hanging baskets, fruit trees, strawberries and berry bushes. Choose ready made planters or bring in your own pot for a Custom Planted Container garden – choose your plants, and we’ll pot it up and grow it for you!
Check out our ornamental tree, shrub & perennial availability list, and fruit tree & berry availability list below! Just email tam@prairiegardens.org to order.
Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berries, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Asparagus and More !
Email tam@prairiegardens.org to request an excel spreadsheet order form or call to order at 780-921-2272

June is Here
Edmonton Gardening Checklist
The 10:30 pm sunsets are so gorgeous – last night the sky to the north was apricot, orange, and purple at day's end. “This part of the season represents a turn towards upkeep (weeding) and managing what we worked so hard to start from seed,” Tam Andersen, our Farm Owner, tells us. “For me, it's a joyous time. Stage one is complete. The plants are in the ground and now we have to guide them through their life cycle.”

Incredible Edibles
Herbs, Vegetables & Heirloom Tomatoes
We grow a huge array of Incredible Edibles Vegetables! Growing your own food is becoming more important than ever. Many beginning gardeners are learning the advantages of growing their own produce. One benefit is that you can ensure that your family is consuming fresh, naturally grown food with great flavor! Nothing tastes better than a fresh picked tomato from your own backyard! Plus – growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs can prove to be fiscally responsible.

Hardy Fruit for the Edmonton Region
Fruit Trees, Shrubs & Berries
We have many varieties available to Pre-Order for May, or at the Garden Centre for sale including gooseberries, currants, hardy haskap berries, and several new fruit tree varieties. Haskaps (Honeyberries) are in high demand and quantities of some varieties will be limited. Contact us for an availability order form today!

Local Landscaping Advice
Ornamental Trees & Shrubs
The trees in my yard have been the biggest pleasure in my landscape. You never look back when you plant a tree. They grow and mature, offering shade and blossom. Not that digging, planting and designing of your own garden landscape isn’t good fun! My garden is the place where I go for peace and quiet - to let go of the day’s challenges and often crazy pace! Come find out what trees and shrubs you can plant, and where! We know what grows best in our unforgiving Zone 2 climate!