Full sun, Zone 3
Vitis ‘Somerset
Pot size: #1, #2
The Somerset grape has a full and delightful flavour. Some detect in it a hint of strawberry, and all agree that it is very sweet and delicious, superior in flavour to those that we generally find in the grocery. It also makes excellent juice. When tasted at the end of August, the grape is pinkish in colour with a delicate flavour, turning dark red and developing further flavour until Mid-September. When it is completely ripe, it measures between 19.5 and 20 Brix.
The Somerset grapevine was born from the work of Elmer Swenson in Wisconsin. Swenson was a pioneer in the cross-breeding of grape varieties for the northern climate, and most of the varieties of table grape that we grow exist thanks to his work. The Somerset grapevine was born from a cross between ES 5-3-64 and Petit Jewel, and its grandparents include the Thompson seedless grapevine.
Somerset Grape
$24.95 – $39.95