Raspberry Sundae Peony


With elegant ivory ruffles blushing the softest shade of raspberry pink, Raspberry Sundae is one of our most effervescent peonies. Long-lived and care-free, this peony makes for excellent cut flowers and bouquets. Height 30-35″.

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Full sun, partial shade, deer and rabbit resistant, attracts butterflies, cut flowers, zone 3

Paeonia ‘Raspberry Sundae’

Pot size #1

With elegant ivory ruffles blushing the softest shade of raspberry pink, Raspberry Sundae is one of our most effervescent peonies. Long-lived and care-free, this peony makes for excellent cut flowers and bouquets. Height 30-35″.

Peonies are virtually pest free. Very useful and adaptable in the garden. Perfect to use a specimen plant, borders, city gardens , or cottage gardens. Low maintenance. Best time to plant peonies is in spring or early fall.