Full sun, zone 2
Malus – Combination
Pot size: #5, #10
In previous years, this type has included the following varieties:
Main-Harcourt (med. red, mild – eating, juice, baking); September Ruby (large, red, sweet – eating, juice, storing); Battleford (med, yellow-green – cooking, eating); Norland (med. green-red – eating, baking.) Prefers a moist, well-drained soil.
Please note: varieties included vary year to year and may be different than what is listed above.
One of the huge perks of a combination apple tree is that you only tree you need for cross-pollination, making it ideal if you don’t have space for two trees!
Combination Apple: Type 2
$125.00 – $215.00
Please note: varieties included vary year to year and may be different than what is listed in the description.