Full sun, Zone 2
Prunus ‘Americana’
Pot size: #2 (1-2′ whip), #5 (3-4′ whip)
The American plum produces small yellow-red plums that are great to eat fresh and make excellent preserves. Trees grow 14′ tall by 12′ wide.
This wild plum (native to Eastern Canada) also tends to sucker and develop thorns. But wait – this plum has a superpower – the power of pollination! No seriously, if you love plums and want your trees to produce bountiful crops, you want an American plum. This marvelous tree has a long flowering cycle, beginning earlier than even the Canadian plum, and produces an extremely high volume of pollen, which is perfect for pollinating all manners of plum, especially hybrids.
American Plum
$59.95 – $75.00