Full sun, zone 4
Allium sativum ‘Red Russian’
Bare Root
One of our most popular garlics, Red Russian produces large heads that average 8-10 medium-sized cloves. Flavour is strong, though the aftertaste is considered a sweet. Bulbs are known for their purple-striped wrapper.
Days to maturity: 90-154 (Spring/Summer), 225-240 (Fall)
Storage: 6-8 months
How to Plant:
- Separate all the cloves – but don’t skin them!!
- Set each clove approximately 4-6″ apart in your row and 1-2″ deep. Pointed end should remain up.
- During the summer, your garlic will create a flower stalk (known as a scape), which will start to curl. Scapes are super tasty, and need to be removed so that the garlic plant can invest its energy in the bulb, not the flower.
- Plan to harvest in mid-summer. You’ll known when your garlic is ready when the leaves begin to brown and dry. Typically, it’s best to harvest when half of the leaves have turned yellow/brown.
- Once harvested, make sure to cure your garlic in a warm and dry location for 10 days.
- Do not store in your fridge as this will cause the bulbs to sprout.
To Overwinter:
- Cover rows with 1-2′ of straw in October.
- Remove straw in the spring – typically April or May – once the temperatures remain above freezing overnight to allow the bulbs to sprout.
Seed Garlic – Red Russian
$3.00 – $10.00