Full sun to part sun, rich soil
Hardiness Zone 3
Pot Size: #1
What is Comfrey? – It’s a perennial herb in the borage family commonly grown for its medicinal and permaculture benefits.
What is Comfrey used for?
- Staunching blood flow
- Can help alleviate symptoms of some bronchial ailments
- Can help heal broken bones, bruising, tendon damage, and torn cartilage (contains allantoin, which is something that helps cells grow and repair more quickly than otherwise)
- Cosmetics, particularly creams and lotions because of its moisturizing and soothing qualities.
- Green Manure/Fertilizer (rich source nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium as well as micronutrients including calcium and magnesium)
- Attracting pollinators (namely bees)
- Breaking up heavy clay soils (deep taproots)
- Nutrient accumulator – Comfrey’s deep taproots draw potassium, calcium and magnesium into its leaves, which can then be used as fertilizer.
For more information, check out the following article:,leaves%20will%20shade%20them%20out.
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