Full sun, Zone 3b/4
Malus ‘Yellow Gravenstein’
Pot size #5 (3′ whip)
A true heritage apple, Gravenstein was originally imported from France into Denmark in 1600s and became popular in Canada in the 1820s!! Ready in early September, Yellow Gravenstein is well regarded across the world for its excellent flavour (balance of sweet and tart), crunchy texture, and juiciness. The fruit itself is medium-large and ripens to a golden-yellow with red stripes. Top-notch baking and fresh eating apple, also dries well. Fruit keeps until end of October when kept in cold storage.
Experimental in zone 3. We recommend planting in a sheltered location (minimal wind) and ideally in a location with ample snowfall. Would be better suited to a city-environment, like Edmonton, than the countryside. Not recommended for novice orchardists.
Requires two other apple varieties for cross-pollination.
Mature Size: 8-9′ tall by 4-5′ wide
Dwarf Yellow Gravenstein