Annual Planting Guide For Edmonton Region

When to plant in the Edmonton Region

I always plant my vegetable garden the 1st weekend in May! (Except pumpkins and cucumbers).  In the Edmonton area – zone 2, the average frost free date is May 27th.  It is usually is safe to seed most things by May 15th, if the ground is dry enough to till.  You must have corn planted by this date, or it likely won’t mature by fall.

Transplant the majority of frost hardy flowers vegetables (plants like pansy, violas, snapdragons & lobelia;  lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, and onions by May 10th, if the forecast does not include a subzero night for the next 4 or 5 days.  Be prepared to cover them up if it gets really cold (-5C).  They will all survive a light frost if they have a chance to get acclimatized for a week ahead of the frost.

If a frost warning is forecasted, simply cover your plants with sheets, bath towels or light blankets for protection. For smaller container plants you can simply move them to a protected area such as a porch roof or into the garage for the night.

Spinach, Edible Peas &  Sweet Peas can be sown directly into the ground usually by April 20th!  You’ll be picking peas by July 5!  Also, seed , beets, radishes, swiss chard, turnips, carrots,  and onion sets can usually be sown directly into the ground around May 1st.  Be sure you mark all your plants so you know what is growing in each row.

By May 10th, plant potatoes, beans, and corn.  Springs here in Edmonton are getting later, and later!  I used to plant pumpkins and basil by June 1st, but now I wait until around June 7 -10th.  (Froze them too many times!).

Wait until there is no danger of frost to plant pumpkins, zinnia, geraniums, peppers and cucumbers. This is the first week of June. They really must be planted by June 10th, or you won’t have time for them to mature by September frosts, which often come with the full moon!

Top 10 Container Plants for Partly Sunny Patios – East or West Exposure

  1. Trailing Petunias
  2. Zonal Geraniums
  3. Callibrachoa (Million Bells)
  4. Lothospermum
  5. Bossa Nova Begonias (sun tolerant)
  6. Black Eyed Susan (Thunbergia)
  7. Trailing Alyssum
  8. Purple Heart
  9. Lamiastrum (Silver Nettle)
  10. Creeping Jenny